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As last year was coming to an end and our beautiful staff were moving on from Sherwood.  Cris & Carol left for Sydney (via Cambodia and Malaysia) to complete GDS (Global Discipleship School) with Pioneers.  David was taking flight in his trusty camper with plans to travel the country and share the gospel.  Katie was making plans to leave early in the new year, embarking on a new job as a visual scribe.  Our full-time team for the new year was drastically reduced to Colin and Chantal.  We are a faith ministry, and this term is often applied to finances or the donation of goods.  However, for us it very much includes the provision of workers that enable us to continue to provide a safe place for men and their families to refresh, refocus and rebuild their lives.  Others began to worry for us and the potential predicament that we could find ourselves in.  Despite this, we were confident and had genuine peace that God would provide as He always has.  By the beginning of January, we were planning for the arrival of six new staff with their nine children.  God is good and He is faithful in all ways.
So, after our unusually quiet Christmas period, Sherwood is once again buzzing with activity and the work that God has asked of us continues through His faithful provision of servant hearted workers.