Our mission is to provide a safe place to refresh, refocus and rebuild your life.
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Change happens

Our heart is to see God changing lives for Eternity


Sherwood BBQ


““My time at Sherwood has taught me the value of knowing that I don’t have to be afraid of myself anymore and that I can be who God intended me to be. I have found my identity in knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.””


Lives changed and futures re-claimed.

Often when people think of rehab they picture something clinical, a hospital like setting. Here at Sherwood, rehab looks a little different from this. Nestled at the base of a 100m sandstone cliff is our centre, established in 1978 by John and Honi Reifler, with the sole purpose of seeing lives changes and people set free from addiction.

We are a Christian residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre for men and families.

What we doNeed help?

Meet Colin and
Chantal Kemsley.

One thing that we value most about being at Sherwood is the many people that we have the privilege of meeting. People from all walks of life, from all over the world, young and old. We are grateful for the people God has brought along our path and thankful to be part of their lives if even for only a moment. These connections are encouraging and inspire us to continue doing what we do. “It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict, God’s job to judge, and my (our) job to love.” Billy Graham
Colin & Chantal

About Us

Sherwood Cliffs is a Christian residential rehabilitation centre which operates in the context of a therapeutic community and enables those who come to refresh, refocus and rebuild their lives. We provide a safe place for those struggling with addiction to have time to grow: physically, mentally and spiritually.

Sherwood Cliffs Rehabilitation Centre

Sherwood is a Christian Community

Some come to receive, some to give, some to learn, some come just to look and to share our hospitality. Here, many have had problems resolved, pressures lifted and new visions imparted. Each person residing on a Sherwood property is encouraged to participate in all aspects of community life, including meal times, work programs and outings.

Sherwood Cliffs Rehabilitation Centre

Sherwood is family

At Sherwood we live together, work together and share together. We aim to provide a family orientated environment where unconditional love and acceptance is evident; where family relationships are re-developed and where wider support networks are developed to enable a smooth transition to living in the wider community once rehabilitation is complete.

Sherwood Cliffs Rehabilitation Centre

Sherwood is home

Sherwood is home to our volunteers living on site, to our program participants and to our many guests who come to stay with us. As we live together we learn to live with one another, we learn to appreciate our similarities and differences as we share life with others.

Sherwood Cliffs Rehabilitation Centre

Sherwood is industry

Sherwood Cliffs is a farm that provides a substantial amount of produce for both centres. With an established orchard, dairy, large vegetable gardens, chickens and cattle to tend to, the program revolves heavily around an active farm work routine, as it is our desire to be as self supporting as possible.

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