Married couples and their families

Sherwood Cliffs aims to provide a rehabilitation program for married couples and their family.  Participating as a couple provides a unique opportunity for added focus on personal relationships, growth as a couple and provides a greater understanding of the areas in which their spouse may be struggling.  It can be a time of discovery as each person is able to view their world and their partner with new perspective and without the previous pressures that surrounded them.


Sherwood Christian Rehab Centre Inc. is a child-safe organisation which aims to provide a protected, positive and supportive environment for both the child and parents, where each parent has the opportunity to be guided in good parenting practices.  Family life and parenting skills are areas discussed, education given and practical outworking modelled within the community.  Information regarding child development parenting skills, healthy lifestyles and schooling expectations are available for all parents or prospective parents.

Within the program, the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of each child is of high importance.  We believe that it is critically important that children are provided with a safe environment to grow up in and be a part of.

Families wishing to attend Sherwood are encouraged to apply with the understanding that families are assessed on an individual basis prior to acceptance into the program.